Conquering Gym Anxiety
Gymtimidation: It’s needing a buffer treadmill between you and that guy. You know, the one who’s sprinting at a speed of approximately one billion miles per hour and somehow hasn’t broken a sweat (?!) Toxic gym culture can leave many of us feeling uncomfortable, unmotivated, and defeated. But you deserve to conquer your workout without giving a single sh*t what anyone else is thinking. Here’s how:
Autumn Activities That Aren’t Pumpkin Picking
Autumn is pretty much everyone’s favorite season. The pumpkin spice lattes, the piles of leaves, and the fresh-baked cookies just make you want to curl up in a blanket and never leave your couch’s comforting embrace. While pumpkin and apple picking are solid fall activities, we don’t see the harm in mixing things up. Here are some ideas for some classic fall fun.
A Beginner’s Guide To Sleep Logs
One would think that wrangling toddlers, nursing newborns, and reasoning with back-talking pre-teens would make it easy to catch some z’s at night. But we’ve all been there: you’ve had a day from H-E-double hockey sticks and as soon as your head hits the pillow, you find yourself tossing and turning long past everyone’s bedtime. A sleep log could be the answer to your restless nights.
What To Do When Your Child Steals Something
Kids are pure-intentioned. They see the goodness in the little things that adults take for granted, like the sound of pots and pans clanging together and the sight of a ceiling fan twirling around the room. But somewhere along the way, children learn the word “no,” and turn into adorable little monsters who will stop at nothing to get what they want, including shiny new toys in the checkout line.
How To Be a Niftier Thrifter
If you’ve ever met a professional thrifter, you know that they’re fluent in the art of the #humblebrag. It’s almost as if they’re waiting for you to compliment their adorably vintage necklace/shirt/coffee table so that they can (ever so casually) mention that they snagged it for 30 cents at Goodwill. We might not ever be able to get on their level, but there’s no harm in trying.
New, Easy Snacks for Kids
Pretzels, string cheese, goldfish, repeat. If this sounds like a highlight reel of your child’s afternoon snacking ritual, you’re not alone. In a perfect world free of diaper blowouts and meltdowns, we’d only feed our kids colorful arrangements of veggies in the shape of ladybugs and butterflies. But when you’ve got a bazillion things to get done at once, convenience is everything. Here are our fave snacks that are just as nutritious as they are easy